Para encontrarle más curiosidades a esta historia, la chica se llama Ana, generándose un posible paralelismo con Anita, la hija del verdugo de Bobillo - Sosa - Bobillo. Además el ambiente del dibujo es un bar, haciendo referencia predictiva al encuentro que tuvimos en su trabajo.
Desde entonces hasta ahora no terminé ese dibujo, pero fue avanzando mucho. Si bien no es un dibujo sencillo, se tornó mucho más complicado en el momento en que me volví a cruzar con ella y traté de que en el dibujo se pareciera lo más posible.
Algunas de las etapas hasta llegar a la instancia actual:
Crazy story
Some time ago I was travelling in #93 bus returning home. At a time, this girl went to the bus and she got my attention. She made a short trip, and got off the bus. Some days later I start drawing "Verdugo" (The Butcher) -a character that I drawed a couple of times- talking to someone in a bar. It occurred to me to draw this girl I saw in the bus, I don't know why, because I never draw people I see at the street, but I did. Some time later I went to a bar to listen to a friend's band and when I sat at the bar, the waitress brought me the menu. She was this girl. I couldn't believe it. I told her the story and I told her that I would send the drawing incomplete.
For more sights on this story, the girl's name is Ana, generating a possible parallelism with argentinean comic Anita, la hija del verdugo by Bobillo - Sosa - Bobillo. Besides the atmosphere of the drawing is a bar, predictive referring to the meeting we had at her work.
Since then I didn't finished this drawing, but still in progress. While it's not a simple drawing, became much more complicated at the time that I met her at the bar and tried to make the drawing look like her as much as possible.
These are some of the steps up to the current instance:

1 comentario:
Esa historia es muy buena y encima es real y te pasó a vos.
Líndisimo todo lo expuesto.
beso loko!
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